Monday, September 13, 2010

Mama and Tag

Well, Tyler’s starting to come into his true 2-year old spirit (even though he still has a week left as a 1-year old).  As if on cue he suddenly realized that he can say no, so now everything we ask of him prompts an immediate “No.” 

Tyler, do you want breakfast?  NO.  Tyler, will you pick up your toys? NO.  Tyler will you ever stop saying no? NO.  I didn’t realize we had raised Tyler to be such a fan of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign.

In addition to the perpetual No’s, Tyler has also taken to calling me Tag instead of Dad.  I’ll come home from work and he used to run up to me and say something like “Hi Dad”, or ask Thesha “Where’s Dad?” but now everything is “Hi Tag” and “Where’s Tag?”  My personal favorite is when he calls for me from across the room.  “Tag…Tag…Tag…” We’ve tried to correct him and tell him to say Dad, but it always reverts back to Tag. 

It’s not much better for Thesha, however.  Granted, he still calls her Mom or Mama, but he’s gotten to where he just calls out her name over and over again.  The other day he woke up from his nap early so Thesha tried to just let him settle back down and go back to sleep.  After a little while, however, he started yelling for her… “mama…..Mama……MAMA.”  When she finally broke down and went in to see what was the matter he just looked her straight in the face and said “I fine.”  This is Tyler’s other new favorite saying, “I fine.”  Whenever he falls down… “I fine.”  Whenever he falls and slams his head into the wall… “I fine.”  Whenever he lets one rip while sitting on my lap… “I fine.” 

Well, that’s about it for this time.  Here are some recent pics just for fun.  Next time we should have some pictures from Tyler’s birthday and maybe even some pretty fall pictures (the leaves are starting to turn and it’s looking prettier every day).

These are some from a nearby covered bridge.

Thesha and Kids on Bridge

Thesha and Reagan on Bridge

Tyler on Bridge

These are just some cute pictures of our little “Squishy” (as I like to call her).

Reagan Sep2010-1

Reagan Sep2010-2

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