Sunday, December 11, 2011

A blog post…….finally

Ok, I know it’s been a while since my last posting.  I’ll try to be better, but here’s at least a few pictures and a quick video that hopefully brings a smile to your face.

So here are a couple pictures from Halloween… I know, it’s obviously been a while if I’m just now posting Halloween pictures – thus the title of this blog post.  So, Tyler was an Astronaut.  As part of his astronaut training I taught him to put his hand to his brow and say “Yes, Sir.”  I’ve tried to parlay that into other areas of his day, but for some reason things haven’t seemed to have worked out that way.  Instead, he’s clung to a quote from Buzz Lightyear… well, kind of.  He loves to jump off the furniture and shout “To infinity and be gone.” 



Reagan went as a little lady bug.  She was as cute as a bug, that’s for sure.  We went to the trunk-or-treat at the church and all the 8 to 12 year old girls wanted to play with Reagan like she was their little doll.  She got swarmed.  It was really fun to see her running around all dressed up.



Outside of Halloween, things have been pretty quiet.  We spent Thanksgiving with some friends from church (the family of the pirate in the picture above).  The biggest news, however, is that Tyler is finally potty-trained.  It took a few rounds of us getting frustrated and giving up, but now he’s finally got it.  Yeah, there are the occasional accidents, but we’ll never have to buy him another diaper. 

Since we won’t be able to go back to Utah for Christmas, I wanted to give everyone a chance to see a glimpse of Reagan’s personality.  She is so different from Tyler.  Obviously kids are kids and they’re going to get into mischief, but Reagan’s reaction is so different from Tyler’s when we get mad at her for doing something wrong.  Tyler was always apologetic and tried to do what we told him.  Reagan is… well… you’ll see. 

In the clip below, Reagan is making a mess at dinner time (as usual).  We've gotten upset with her in the past - telling her not to dump her food.  You can see that she’s already started to throw her food off her plate and I started to say “No, No.” when I figured it was time to capture some video evidence of the attitude we were getting so I could use it when she was older to show her why I had lost my mind.  Instead of responding apologetically to the reprimand and correcting the behavior, she turns it right around on you.  First she makes fun of you by imitating your angry face, then she laughs at your pitiful attempt to get her to do something she doesn't want to do.  Notice how she looks over to Tyler to get him laughing at me as well.  Then she goes about doing whatever it is she wants – in this case dumping out all her food and plopping the plate onto her head.  Then just to top it all off, she makes sure to look back at you to make sure you got the message. 

I realize that the brown hair came from my side of the family, but I didn’t realize that attitude was hereditary.  All I can say is that it’s a good thing she’s as cute as she is.  As frustrating as the attitude can be at times, the reality is that we end up laughing along with her most of the time.  I believe that’s called playing me like a fiddle.  Our daughter – the fiddle playing prodigy.