Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Baltimore Motorcycle Show

Well, thankfully the east coast snow storm let up long enough for us all to take a drive in to Baltimore for the annual motorcycle show.  It was a really good time if for no other reason than it gave us a chance to get out of the house – well, apartment.  Here are a couple pictures of us enjoying the scenery…

Tyler and Dad at Cycle Show

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There was also one motorcycle at the show that reminded us of someone in particular.  I wonder who that could be?


The rest of these pictures are for everyone that chipped in to get us the new camera.  Thanks!!! It was really nice to have at the Motorcycle Show. 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tyler joins us at the big boy table

Well, well.  Look who’s joining us at the big boy table.  Tyler’s been doing a pretty good job of not throwing his food off the side of the tray so we went ahead and bought him a booster seat so he could join us at the table.  He really seemed to like the idea as you can see in the picture below.

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Of course, we haven’t completely lost our minds.  We did cover his chair with an old towel and we bought a plastic sheet to go under his chair.  It’s a good thing we did, because Tyler made the most of his inaugural meal at the table.

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If that’s not the look of a kid who’s mischievously enjoying himself then I don’t know what is. 

We’ll spare you the picture of him crying as we toweled him off after the meal.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tyler Cookies

It really wasn’t that long ago that the Choate family was introduced to Thesha Cookies – basically just chocolate chip cookies that Thesha makes from scratch with one small difference…uh, they’re freakin’ delicious!  In fact, when we moved from Albuquerque back to Utah I was working with a lady I had worked with before and the first thing she said to me was “I remember you because you brought in those really good cookies.”  That was four years after I had brought them in to work before moving to Albuquerque.  Needless to say, everyone loves Thesha cookies. 

Well, now Thesha has begun to pass along the tradition and we all enjoyed Tyler Cookies for Super Bowl Sunday.

A little sugar…


Some chocolate chips…


Scoop them up…


And enjoy!!!!!




In other, non-cookie related news, Reagan has started to make her presence known to both me and Thesha now.  I felt a little kick a while ago, but the other day it was a definite bump, bump on the palm of my hand.  In fact, when I lifted my hand up you could even see the little rise in Thesha’s tummy where she was kicking, punching, or whatever.  It’s not quite to the point of ‘alien in the stomach’ movement, but there was definitely a little creature in there.  Just a few more months!